ナザール・ボンジュウ Nazar boncuğu

メディア・インスタレーション | media-installation


本作のタイトル《ナザール・ボンジュウ》は青い目玉を模したお守りのことで、邪視から身を守ってくれるとされる。このお守りと邪視とは、英語ではどちらも"evil eye"と訳される。邪視か、それとも邪視から守ってくれる存在か。パブリックな場における監視の目も、そんな両義性を持っているように思える。
This work demonstrates the relationship between seeing and being seen in public spaces through an installation using optical illusions. Eight autostereoscopic displays, showing close-ups of eyes and resembling surveillance cameras, are installed. The illusion makes viewers feel as if they are being watched by every eye. This effect is achieved using the hollow-mask illusion, a type of illusion that reverses the perception of convex and concave shapes, created here by recessing the eye parts on the autostereoscopic displays.
With the development of the internet and social networks, people's private spaces are increasingly shrinking. Content posted on social networks is essentially public, and viewing or searching posts is no longer considered a private action, as the data is collected by companies. Nowadays, surveillance technology using AI has advanced, but AI learns models from human behavior. Will AI adopt the kind of excessive restraint on people, as experienced during the pandemic?
The title of this work, "Nazar Boncugu," refers to an amulet that resembles a blue eye and is believed to protect from the evil eye. In English, both the amulet and the evil eye are translated as "evil eye." Is it an evil eye or a protector from it? The watchful eyes in public spaces seem to possess this ambiguity.